Friday, June 6, 2008

Yew Meng's Introduction

Hi, my dear friends. My name is Foo Yew Meng. I am a 21 years old guy. I am a UTAR student. My main hobby is playing cumputer games. The other hobbies of mine are reading newspapers, watching movies, playing basketball or badminton, and etc. I usually play computer games at home during the weekend and play basketball or badminton with my classmates during the weekdays, normally on Friday.

The top 5 websites that i visited the most are as follow:

The reason i visited the most is to check up any updates of my online friends and to keep in touch with them. Besides that, i visited and the most because i am a football fan and i would access these websites to search for any latest football news and results. Apart from that, the reason i visited the most is i am a Manchester United fan. Lastly, i visited the most because i am a dota addict and i used to play dota daily.

lastly but not least, please stay tune for for news n information from me.......thanks.

1 comment:

y€nQi said...

haha.. ya, i know u like 2 read newspaper.. cz like 2 borrow from me.. wakaka!!